Outstanding Ratings

Sr.No Entity Sector Rating Type Dissemination
Action Rating Outlook Rating Watch
1 Abbasi and Company (Pvt.) Limited | BMR
Press Release | Report | History
Capital Markets Broker Management 21-Jun-24 Maintain BMR2 Stable -
2 EFG Hermes Pakistan Limited | BMR
Press Release | Report | History
Capital Markets Broker Management 21-Dec-23 Maintain BMR2+ Stable -
3 Arif Habib Limited | BMR
Press Release | Report | History
Capital Markets Broker Management 15-Dec-23 Maintain BMR1 Stable -
4 JS Global Capital Limited | BMR
Press Release | Report | History
Capital Markets Broker Management 14-Dec-23 Maintain BMR1 Stable -
5 Spectrum Securities Limited | BMR
Press Release | Report | History
Capital Markets Broker Management 21-Nov-23 Maintain BMR3+ Stable -
6 Habib Metropolitan Financial Services Limited | BMR
Press Release | Report | History
Capital Markets Broker Management 27-Oct-23 Maintain BMR2 Stable -
7 Optimus Capital Management (Pvt.) Limited | BMR
Press Release | Report | History
Capital Markets Broker Management 25-Sep-23 Maintain BMR2 Stable -
8 Trust Securities & Brokerage Limited | BMR
Press Release | Report | History
Capital Markets Broker Management 19-Sep-23 Maintain BMR2+ Stable -
9 IGI Finex Securities Limited | BMR
Press Release | Report | History
Capital Markets Broker Management 25-Aug-23 Maintain BMR2+ Stable -
10 AL Habib Capital Markets (Pvt.) Limited | BMR
Press Release | Report | History
Capital Markets Broker Management 19-Jul-23 Maintain BMR2+ Stable -
Ms. Iram Tahir | Compliance Officer

+92 42 3586 9504-6 | compliance@pacra.com

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