Legal Structure
Ali Embroidery Mills (Pvt.) Limited ("AEML" or "the Company") was incorporated in Pakistan in 1972 as a private limited Company under the repealed Companies Ordinance, 1984.
The Company is associated with the Sefam Group of Industries and EastGate Industries (Pvt.) Ltd, headquartered in Lahore, Pakistan. Renowned for its pioneering role in introducing the concept of branded products to the Pakistani market, the Group has established a legacy of innovation and leadership. AEML, originally founded by the late Mr. J.A. Zaman, served as the cornerstone for the establishment of Sefam (Private) Limited and Sarena Textile Industries. Today, AEML has formed its presence as an organized player in the dedicated embroidery segment. With over 50 years of expertise, the Company specializes in schiffli embroidery, it integrates traditional craftsmanship with advanced technology to create high-quality products.
The Company’s production facility comprises two units, located on Sheikhupura Road, Lahore while the Company’s head office is located on Waris Road, Lahore. Presently, the Company operates with ~33 Schiffli embroidery machines and ~122 Multi-Heads embroidery machines. The Company is principally engaged in the manufacturing and sale of embroidered cloth. The Company's energy requirement stands at 1.3MW which is fulfilled through solar capacity and LESCO.
Ownership Structure
The Company is owned by the descendants of the late Mr. J.A. Zaman. The majority stake of approximately 24.5% is shared equally among Mr. Tariq Zaman, Mr. Hamid Zaman, Ms. Seema Aziz, and Ms. Ambreen Zaman, while Mr. Ali Zaman holds a minority share of about 2%.
The group is succeeded by the children of the Late Mr. J.A Zaman; Mr. Hamid Zaman, Ms. Seema Aziz, and Mr. Tariq Zameen. .No ownership change is anticipated in the foreseeable future. The establishment of a formal family constitution will improve the ownership profile of the Company.
Business Acumen
Mr. Hamid Zaman has been involved with Ali Embroidery Mills (Private) Limited since 1972, working alongside his father, the late J.A. Zaman. He is a co-founder and a key partner, along with Ms. Seema Aziz, in establishing the Sefam and Sarena group of companies. Meanwhile, Mr. Tariq Zaman, the Company’s CEO, is responsible for overseeing its strategic direction and brings extensive expertise in the textile industry.
Financial Strength
Over time, the Group has expanded its footprint in Pakistan by establishing diverse fashion brands, each tailored to address distinct market segments. AEML has evolved within the sector, playing a significant role in the embroidery industry of Pakistan. The group has tapped the export market of the workwear category through Sarena Textile Industries (Pvt.) Limited. Over the years, the Company's equity base has grown consistently, reflecting the investment of profits into the business.
Board Structure
AEML has a three-member sponsor-dominated board chaired by Mr. Hamid Zaman. The board includes one executive director, the CEO, Mr. Tariq Zaman. The inclusion of independent oversight will augment the governance framework.
Members’ Profile
Mr. Hamid Zaman, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Sefam (Pvt.) Limited, brings over 40 years of experience in the textile industry and is a graduate of Utah State University, USA. Similarly, Ms. Seema Aziz, CEO of East Gate Industries (Pvt.) Limited, also has over 40 years of extensive experience in the sector and holds a degree from Harvard Business School.
Board Effectiveness
The Board does not hold formal meetings; instead, members convene informally and infrequently to discuss business development, depending on their availability. Furthermore, no sub-committees have been established to assist the Board.
Financial Transparency
M/s Arshad Raheem & Co. Chartered Accountants, who are not rated by the SBP but have a satisfactory QCR rating by ICAP, are the company's external auditors. They have expressed an unqualified opinion on the financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2024.
Organizational Structure
The organizational structure of the Company is segmented into key functional departments, which include Production, Marketing, Finance, Procurement, Administration, Inventory Management, Mechanical, Electrical, Human Resources, and Quality Assurance.
Management Team
Mr. Tariq Zaman, the CEO of the Company, holds an MBA degree from LUMS and possesses extensive experience in the textile sector. Mr. Hafiz Umair Nadeem is the CFO of the Company. Designing and sales fall under the purview of the General Manager of Marketing, Mr Shafqat Khan. while the remaining production and administrative functions are overseen by the General Manager Factories, Mr. Mubashir Abdali. Management of the group comprises experienced individuals with a wide range of skills and relevant experience.
MIS reports are prepared and reviewed by senior management at different intervals. Financial position and shop sales reports are submitted to the CEO on a daily basis, while production efficiency reports for Multi-Head machines are generated in real-time. Moving forward, production reports for Schiffli machines will also transition to real-time monitoring through the FPS software.
The Company implemented Sidat Hyder (GL Mode) as the financial accounting MIS solution in Dec-17, provided by D-Biz Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd. The Company has also deployed several in-house software solutions. These include FPS (Factory Production System) which is used for billing management and monitoring the flow of plain
and processed fabric for Multi-Heads embroidery machines.
Control Environment
The Company prioritizes delivering premium quality products to its customers. To ensure an accurate and impartial evaluation, it enables its primary customers, Sefam (Pvt.) Ltd. and EastGate Industries (Pvt.) Ltd., to prepare independent quality reports. Furthermore, the Company plans to hire a head of Internal Audit that will facilitate in improving the Company's overall control environment.
Business Risk
Industry Dynamics
The textile exports of the country reached USD 16.7bln in FY24, a slight increase from USD 16.5bln in the previous year, reflecting a growth of 0.93% YoY. The highest contribution came from the composite and garments segment at USD 9.1bln, followed by the weaving segment at USD 6.5bln and the spinning segment at USD 1.0bln. During 5MFY25, the textile exports stood at USD 7.6bln. In FY25, the transition from the final tax regime to the normal tax regime is set to impact the profitability matrix of export-oriented units, with a 29% tax on profits and a super tax of up to 10%. The consistent decline in policy rates over the last two quarters, along with the anticipation of further reductions, is expected to provide a cushion in the financial metrics of the industry.
Relative Position
AEML is a relatively small Company operating in the value-added textile segment with only local presence. It is one of the largest embroidery companies in Pakistan with competitors including Hira Embroidery Mills in Lahore and a few other players in Karachi.
The Company's revenue demonstrated consistent growth, rising from PKR 1,580 million in FY23 to PKR 2,161 million in FY24, reflecting a year-on-year increase of 37%. However, a substantial portion of the revenue was generated through sales to related parties, highlighting a concentration risk. The Company is mindful of improving the customer base, thus mitigating the risk.
AEML's gross profit margin decreased and was recorded as 15.8% in FY24 as compared to 18.6% in FY23, due to a sizable incline in the raw material cost. Control over administrative expenses has led to a marginal increase in operating profit margins (FY24: ~8%, FY23: ~7.9%) The finance cost also witnessed an incline (FY24: PKR 106mln, FY23: PKR 96mln), however, the finance cost to sales ratio sizably improved (FY24: 4.9%, FY23: 6%). The Company’s bottom line showed growth (FY24: ~PKR 61mln, FY21: ~PKR 47mln).
In FY24, the Company has proactively expanded its solar capacity to address the increasing energy cost challenges faced by the textile industry. Furthermore, the Company intends to diversify into the online retail sector by introducing a brand tailored to women, expecting to bolster Company's topline growth.
Financial Risk
Working capital
During FY24, the gross working capital days
declined to 140days (FY23: 195days) driven by the decline in inventory days
(FY24: 102days, FY23: 140days) along with decline in trade receivable days
(FY24: 39days, FY23: 54days). The Company’s payable days were reduced
to 9 days during the period (FY23: 14 days). The Company’s net working capital
days clocked to 131 days (FY23: 180 days), whereas the short-term trade leverage
stood at 85.2% (FY23: 92.5%).
Working Capital Management
During FY24,
FCFO clocked in at ~PKR 237mln (FY23: ~PKR 192mln, FY22: ~PKR 170mln) owing to improvement
in operational
efficiency which ultimately translated into amelioration in cash flow management. The Company’s interest
coverage ratio witnessed an incline to 2.2x (FY23: 2.0x, FY22: 2.6x).
Consequently, the debt coverage ratio inclined at 1.4x during the period (FY23:
AEML is highly leveraged at (~61.5%) in FY24 this
ratio has declined for the past 3 years (FY23: ~67.9%, FY22: ~68%). The
Company’s total borrowings clocked at 143mln, (FY23: PKR 199mln). The decline
is attributable to a decrease in the CMLTB. The major portion of borrowings is vested in the loan obtained from directors (FY24: PKR 801mln, FY23: PKR 921mln). The Company’s equity base witnessed
an YoY incline to PKR 590mln (FY23: PKR 529mln).
Capital Structure