ISE Towers REIT Management Company ( "ISE Towers" or the "Company") is licensed as a Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC) under Non-Banking Finance Companies (Establishment and Regulation) Rules, 2003 by Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan in 2016 to form and launch Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) under Real Estate Investment Trust Regulations, 2022.
ISE Towers REIT Management Company Ltd was initially incorporated as Islamabad Stock Exchange (Guarantee) Limited (ISE). Later on, after the
integration of Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) and Lahore Stock Exchange (LSE), on January 11'2016, the Company got converted from ISE to a REIT Management
Company under the repealed Companies Ordinance, 1984. As a consequence of this approval of integration, the name and scope of the Company has been changed. The
new name of the Company is “ISE Towers REIT Management Company Limited”. The Company owns a multistory building “ISE Towers” situated in Blue Area
Islamabad. The Company is in process to launch its Rental REIT Scheme. For this, the dominating asset owned by the Company "ISE Towers" has been earmarked for
transferring to the scheme.
The principal activities of the Company is to form, launch and manage Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) under REIT Regulations, 2022. The Company
owns a multistory building “ISE Towers” situated in Blue Area Islamabad. The Company is in the process to launch its Rental REIT Scheme. For this, the dominating
asset owned by the Company "ISE Towers" has been earmarked for transferring to the scheme.
Ownership Structure
The shareholding pattern of the Company is well diversified comprising of 215 shareholders. Institutions and corporate bodies hold the majority of the shares.
Building on years of experience in capital market, equity brokerage, financial and banking services etc.
Business Acumen
Majority of the shareholders of the Company have well diversified experience in capital market, equity brokerage, financial services, portfolio management, investment advisory and financial services, banking and technical analysis.
Financial Strength
The financial strength of the sponsors remains strong due to their diversified investment portfolios.
Board Structure
The Board comprises eleven members, which include four independent directors, six non-executive directors and one executive director.
Members’ Profile
All the directors are seasoned professionals and possess manifold experiences in the relevant fields. Mr. Zahid Latif Khan is the Chairperson of ISE
Towers. He is a graduate of National Security Workshop (NSW) and is a certified director by ICMA. Mr. Zahid has a diversified experience of the capital Market business
spanning over a period of twenty-five years. During his association with the securities industry, Mr. Zahid has achieved extensive hands on familiarity with multifaceted
operational aspects.
Board Effectiveness
The Board of the Company has the overall responsibility for establishment and oversight of risk management framework. There are four Board
committees: i) Audit Committee, and ii) Human Resource and Remuneration Committee iii) Nomination Committee iv) Risk Management Committee.
Financial Transparency
BDO Ebrahim & Co. Chartered Accountants is the external auditor of the Company. The firm is QCR rated by ICAP and are in the A Category of SBP’s panel of auditors.
Organizational Structure
The Company’s operations are grouped under six departments. These include (i) Internal Audit/Compliance (ii) Operations and Management
(iii) Accounts & Finance (iv) Security Management (v) Administration/HR (vi) Information Technology. Each Department Head reports directly to the CEO and the head
of internal audit reports to the Audit Committee.
Management Team
The Company has a mix of diverse experienced and skilled management. Mr. Sagheer Mushtaq is the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. He is a
commerce graduate and has over fifteen years of diversified experience in the field of finance, operation and regulatory compliance. Mr. Zeeshan Shafiq, CFO , has more
than a decade experience and associated with the group since 2017.
The matters are discussed and settled at the individual levels with discussion with the top management.
Due to current nature of operations, the Company is using different Management Information Systems to manage day to day operations and management reporting,
which are Sidat Hyder Financial Information System (FIS), Billing Control & Management System (BCMS) and Building Management System for HVAC system.
Risk Management framework
Risk management policy is well documented and approved by the Board. It covers operational risk, credit risk, financial risk, reporting and regulatory compliance. The policy framework enables the management to achieve operational efficiency and proper monitoring.
Business Risk
Industry Dynamics
Real Estate sector is the most heavily invested segment of the economy in the Country, offering a huge potential for the nation’s development. The
REIT Schemes provide a transparent and well-documented mechanism for investment in the real estate sector but due to range of limitations including absence of clean
titles, restrictive building codes, problematic construction regulations, untold economic costs, imbalanced taxation regime, expensive financing, etc. growth of REIT
Sector is not getting due momentum.
Relative Position
ISE Towers REIT Management Company is in the process of launching its REIT scheme. The initial size of REIT fund would be PKR 2.8bln as per management representation.
During FY24, the Company’s operating income (rental income) clocked in at PKR~378mln (FY23: PKR~355mln) with an increase of 6% on Y-O-Y
while at the end of 1QFY25, it stood at ~98mln. The operating expenses increased to PKR~96mln during the period ended FY24 (FY23: PKR~91mln) while it stood at
~26mln as of 1QFY25.
During FY24, total earning assets reflected ~83% of the total asset base (FY23: ~84%). Whereas, it remains stagnant at the end of 1QFY25. The other income increased from PKR~187mln to
PKR~236mln during the period ended FY24 on YoY basis. Whereas, it stood at PKR 49mln at the end of 1QFY25. The share of profit from associated companies stood at PKR~127mln during FY24
(FY23: PKR~66mln). It comprises 20% of net profit during FY24. Whereas it stood at PKR 26mln at the end of 1QFY25. The profitability of the Company declined to PKR ~645mln as of FY24 (FY23: PKR 1,333mln) on account of the decrease in fair value gain on investment property. Whereas, it stood at PKR 111mln at the end of 1QFY25 (1QFY24: PKR 122mln).
The Company is also envisaging some other real estate projects under REIT umbrella. The Company is also planning to generate resources thereby on the forthcoming public issue of ISE REIT.
Financial Risk
Credit Risk
As a REIT Management company, the credit risk is posed from the tenants of the building. ISE Towers is a corporate building and tenants are multinational corporations and strong reputed banks and institutions. Hence the Company has low credit risk.
Market Risk
The primary source of market risk of the Company is interest rates. The Company’s exposure to market risk is low as Company’s investment in T-bills
during 1QFY25 is PKR~724mln, yielding a return of 18.49%-21.26% (FY24: PKR~691mln from 18.49%-21.26%). The T-Bills will be matured between Nov 2024 - Jun 2025.
Liquidity and Funding
The Company is managing and investing its funds in the manner that ensure safety of principal and a high degree of liquidity while maximizing the yield. Liquidity and preservation of capital are the paramount considerations. The investment policy may be reviewed by the Board at any time as deemed appropriate.
The equity stood at ~PKR 7,740mln at the end of FY24 (FY23: PKR 7,534mln). Whereas, it stood at PKR 7,852mln at the end of 1QFY25, which is well above minimum regulatory requirements for REIT Management companies i.e. PKR~50mln. The Company has no long and short term borrowings.