Usama Zahid Sarhandi
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PACRA Maintains Entity Ratings of Engro Corporation Limited
Rating Type | Entity | |
Current (25-Jun-21 ) |
Previous (26-Jun-20 ) |
Action | Maintain | Maintain |
Long Term | AA+ | AA+ |
Short Term | A1+ | A1+ |
Outlook | Stable | Stable |
Rating Watch | - | - |
The ratings reflect Engro Corporation Limited's ('Engro Corp' or " the Company") very strong risk profile and exceptional liquidity. The ratings incorporate established position of the Company as a conglomerate with a diverse pool of investments under four verticals: i) food and agriculture, ii) petrochemicals, iii) energy and related infrastructure, and iv) telecommunication infrastructure. Engro Corp's various investments in diversified sectors exhibit strong performance and profitability.
Respective businesses under the umbrella of the HoldCo continued growth trajectory despite challenging economic environment post COVID-19 outbreak, exhibiting resiliency and strength of HoldCo's investment philosophy. Engro Fertilizer, being the second largest in the fertilizer sector, increased it's market share on the back of higher urea sales. Engro Eximp is consistently improving its market presence. Engro Polymer and Chemical has a fortified position in the local PVC industry with capacity enhancements and Hydrogen Per Oxide project on the cards. The subsidiary benefitted from high international PVC prices leading to significant improvement in margins. Engro Corp's sizeable investments in the energy chain, through Engro Energy, have progressed in a timely manner. Moreover, Engro PowerGen Thar is performing better than envisioned availability and efficiency benchmarks. Engro Enfrashare's telecom tower business is booming as the Company managed to grab considerable market share in such a short span of time. Engro Energy and Elengy Terminal announced higher dividends compensating for no dividend from FrieslandCampina. Engro Polymer and Engro Vopak remained cash producers, albeit relatively low. Lately, Engro Corp plans to enhance its footings in the petrochemical vertical by setting up a polypropylene facility. The Company has a low leveraged capital structure with very strong coverages and liquidity signifying its robust financial profile. It's ability to limit debt levels to fifty percent of its equity (excluding sovereign linked debt) at group level provides comfort to ratings. The ratings factor in HoldCo's strong organizational structure, designed to control the strategic direction of its subsidiaries, and strong governance framework.
The ratings are dependent on the management's ability to execute its envisaged strategy of growth and expansion amidst prevailing economic environment. Sustainability in the performance of subsidiaries, stable dividends and effective management of financial profile is important. Meanwhile, effective utilization of liquid assets to enhance investment portfolio is critical.
the Entity
Engro Corporation Limited is a public listed company. The principal activity of the Company is to manage investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures. Dawood family holds around ~43% stake in Engro Corp, majority of which is through its corporates, whereas ~3% stake is owned through individuals of Dawood family. Mr. Hussain Dawood chairs the Board of Directors, whereas Mr. Ghias Khan is the President and CEO of the Company.