Muhammad Usman Ameer
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PACRA Maintains the Entity Ratings of The Bank of Punjab
Rating Type | Entity | |
Current (28-Jun-24 ) |
Previous (26-Jun-23 ) |
Action | Maintain | Maintain |
Long Term | AA+ | AA+ |
Short Term | A1+ | A1+ |
Outlook | Stable | Stable |
Rating Watch | - | - |
The Bank of Punjab (BOP) has built a franchise around its name, which itself is a testimony of strong parentage. The parentage of the bank has provided associated benefits to the institution. It functions as a solid backing in times of need and furnishing entry into profitable segments, where other institutions are reluctant to enter. The bank has done a remarkable work in the realm of SMEs and agriculture sectors. The bank is now eyeing foreign funding to fuel the growth. Additionally, a stable, deposit base is giving strength to the bank. The incumbent management has revamped and strengthened the governance and compliance structure in place, over the last four years, which is essential for oversight and dynamic operations of the Bank. The leadership is cognizant of the challenge areas and has a well-designed strategy to address the challenges and steer the bank towards a growth journey. Customer focus with geographical diversification and expansion are the key elements. At end-Dec23, the deposit base of the Bank increased by 24% to stand at PKR 1,521bln where deposits remained tilted towards saving. The Banks' net advances have grown by 37% YoY to stand at PKR 806bln. Consequently, ADR was increased to 53% owing to increased lending to the public sector. During CY23, the Profit Before Tax of the Bank increased by 15% to stand at PKR 21.2bln attributable to enhanced non-markup income clocking in at PKR 17.7bln with major contribution from gain on investments and recoveries. The investment book of the bank inclined to PKR 913bln mainly comprises government securities. A major proportion of the investment book is now repriced, which would provide advantage to profits, going forward. At end-Dec23, the CAR of the bank strengthened to 18.4% owing to the successive issuance of ADT-I and Tier-II bonds along with capital retention.
The management, led by sound leadership, is poised to strengthen the profile of the bank and is taking active measures to overcome the challenges. In this regard, the management is working on diversification in the revenue stream with a focus on tapping on SMEs, retail segments, and trade business of the country. Moreover, the bank is planning to build global presence with the establishment of offshore entities.
the Entity
The Bank of Punjab, established under the BOP Act 1989, is listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). The bank operates a vast network of 815 branches as of the end-Dec23, mainly concentrated in Punjab. The Government of Punjab (GoPb) holds a majority stake in BOP (57%), whereas the rest is widely dispersed. Mr. Zafar Masud is the President & CEO of the bank. The senior management consists of seasoned bankers. The current team has played a pivotal role in the bank's revival; their continuity and cohesiveness are critical for the successful execution of the envisaged business plan.