The Pakistan Credit Rating Agency Limited
Press Release


Hashim Yazdani

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PACRA Maintains Entity Ratings of ThalNova Power Thar (Pvt) Limited

Rating Type Entity
(25-Oct-24 )
(25-Oct-23 )
Action Maintain Upgrade
Long Term AA- AA-
Short Term A1 A1
Outlook Stable Stable
Rating Watch - -

ThalNova Power Thar (Pvt) Limited (TNPTL or “the Company”) has set up a 330MW, mine mouth Thar coal-based power plant located at Block II, Thar Coalfield, District Tharparkar, Sindh. The Hub Power Company Limited (HUBCO) holds a significant stake of 38.3% in the Company. The plant is part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and is fueled by coal extracted from Thar Block-II by the Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company. Being on local coal, the plant reduces dependence on imported fuels and resultantly positively affects the overall basket price of the electricity generated. The plant is prioritized in the merit order list by NTDC due to its low generation cost. Additionally, the plant efficiency and utilization factor are high. TNPTL has been awarded an upfront tariff, with the payments to be received from CPPA-G against Energy and Capacity, backed by a sovereign guarantee. The plant successfully achieved its Commercial Operations (COD) on 17th February 2023. As per the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), CPPA-G has charged Liquidated Damages amounting to USD 5.60mln due to delay in achievement of COD beyond Required Commercial Operations Date (RCOD) for the period 1st July 2022 to 16th February 2023. In accordance with the agreement, Hub Power Services Limited (HPSL), an associated company, will provide operations and maintenance (O&M) services for the plant. The O&M contractor will be responsible for maintaining the operational benchmarks (availability: 85%, efficiency: 37%). During FY24, the net electrical output of the plant stood at 1,971 GWh (FY23: 758 GWh) with a load factor of 75.0% while maintaining its operational benchmarks. Currently, the working capital requirements are managed through a mix of internal cash generation and short-term financing facilities secured from banks.  Going forward, future borrowings are dependent on the rising operational needs along with the repayment behavior of the power purchaser against outstanding receivables.
Timely repayment of project debt along with successfully meeting operational benchmarks remains crucial to upholding the assigned ratings. Furthermore, considering the ongoing developments in the power sector, any modification in the long term agreements might potentially impact the ratings.

About the Entity
ThalNova Power Thar (Pvt.) Limited was incorporated in Pakistan on April 18, 2016 as a limited company under the repealed Companies Ordinance, 1984. The 330 MW coal IPP is being constructed in the energy park located in Block II of the Thar coalfields in Sindh. HUBCO holds 38.3% of the ownership stake and controlling interest through Hub Power Holdings Limited (HPHL), while the remaining shareholding is held by Nova Powergen Limited (24.70%), Thal Power (Pvt) Limited (26.00%), CMEC ThalNova Power Investments Limited (10.00%), and Descon Engineering Limited (1.00%). Mr. Amjad Ali Raja has been appointed as the new CEO in July 2024. He has been associated with the HUBCO group since 2013. With an engineering background, Mr. Amjad brings 22 years of experience in the energy sector. The CEO reports to the Board of Directors (BoD), which consists of seven members. Mr. Kamran Kamal is the Chairman of the BoD and also serves as the CEO of HUBCO.

The primary function of PACRA is to evaluate the capacity and willingness of an entity to honor its obligations. Our ratings reflect an independent, professional and impartial assessment of the risks associated with a particular instrument or an entity. PACRA's comprehensive offerings include instrument and entity credit ratings, insurer financial strength ratings, fund ratings, asset manager ratings and real estate gradings. PACRA opinion is not a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold a security, in as much as it does not comment on the security's market price or suitability for a particular investor.